Monday, 7 December 2009

To weigh or not to weigh?

That is the question!

Where do you stand on the subject?

on one hand there is me - who doesn't really see the need, I know my baby is thriving, weighing her only 'proves' to everyone else I am doing a good enough job, feeding her and looking after her. Do I need to prove myself to anyone? No. Not friends, family, certainly not the health visitor and not even my husband, who stands on the other side of the fence...

He feels its reassuring to have Eleanor weighed, also he "likes to be able to tell ppl"!

I know babies are not an exact science and with breastfeeding you can't really measure what goes in and what comes out but you know when your baby is doing well, you hear the little voice in your head? Listen to it. Feel that inside you? Its your instincts. Listen to them.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. hi Sj - came via Laura's blog!
    it's a lovely space here .))

    weigh ins have been my nightmare this time round. only had the 10 day weigh in with children 3and4 but had to have them this time round for the preemie check ups, but all they have been is worry with dd.

    to look at her and listen to my instincts, she is fine, but the scales say she doesn't measure up. bleurgh. if you read my blog you'll see how much of a factor it's been through the whole of last year.....must update blog at some point too and it'll be about weight for sure. lol.

    glad you've not got to deal with the blackberry full time anymore!!

