Monday, 8 March 2010

Spoons x

I have been saying to people we are doing baby led weaning but now, after some research, talking to some fab people and a dilemma I now have a different answer - we are doing it our way :)

How do you eat mashed potato with your fingers?! - that was my dilemma tonight as tea included mash, I will admit my first instinct was to grab a spoon and feed eleanor and just as I put the spoon towards her she grabbed it and fed herself! How cool?! Ok so she made a mess (it was in her eyebrows, on her forehead, near her ears) but she loved it and she actually ate quite a bit none landed on the floor, although the spoon did once it was emptied. - pictures to follow :)

Friday me and k had an adventure to leicester - we had a great day and had some really interesting conversation (k - thank you so much for answering my many questions and telling me much interesting things). One thing that came up was baby led weaning and the practise of pre-chewing food, this is not something I had ever tried before but when I was giving Eleanor a piece of mango and she kept spitting it out I though I would try it - she ate it! She ate every piece after that. I think it was the texture that she didn't like to start with but after I had chewed it a little - no problem!

I have since ben reading more into weaning and decided that if mix and matching works for us, we are going to keep on doing it.

While I am on the subject of food - we had Eleanor allergy tested and it turns out she is sensitive to the following (in varying degrees and it is more than likely going to change as she gets older) - dairy, peanuts, caffeine, oranges! In many ways it explains a lot and in some ways its a little odd!

Best go now, this was only meant to be a quick one while I fed Eleanor!


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1 comment:

  1. i'm so bad at keeping up with blogs! you've posted loads!

    go you with the eclectic weaning .D
