Wednesday, 28 July 2010

hello x

its odd that i feel almost like a starnger here at the moment, i get onto my blogger homepage, read lots of inspiring and amazing blogs written by some incredible women and i long to be a part of this community, i (and i know i have said this before and its a feeble excuse i know) just dont feel like i have the time. deep down i know that actually ita that i dont make the time, and the more i think about it its because right now i have so many things that are so important to me and i guess this isnt on that list. blogging is something i do enjoy but as with most other things i enjoy and want to do 'for me' (ie knitting) it just gets neglected.

I now feel this has become a negative post and it wasnt meant to be that at all! so what has been hapening this end? well by baby girl turned one! - times goes by so fast and while she is crawling, pulling herself to stand, exploring everything and still enchanting us all with her toothy (she now has 7 teeth) grin.although i have been thinking about how little she still is (they dont even make shoes small enough to fit her feet!) and how much she still needs me, us x she is still breastfed, this has raised some eyebrows, especially as i am now 17 weeks pregnant. I'm not going to lie, sit here and tell you its all wonderful! its hard work, feeding has become uncorfortable and the broken sleep (as she still wakes 2-3 times a night) is harder to cope with but i wouldnt change it for the world. I am doing the best i can for both my babies and it means making some changes (i regularly go to bed either with Jack or not long after!) but i am willing to do whatever it takes to make this work for us, and although i know its not going to be easy i will not give in to pressure, i know some people think its odd that i'm still feeding and have all kinds of 'advice' to 'help' and while i know its meant in the best possible way I just need support and the occasional bit of useful help! lol x thats where my friends come in, i am so lucky to have the best bunch of friends and over the past few months especially they have really been there for us. Thanks guys!

i know its a bit of a leap (i have to do this as it comes to me i'm afraid so sorry if it doesnt read to well!) but we have chicks! we have two and for a while we also have two cockerals (so they can all huddle together and keep warm at night) they are SO cute! we LOVE having our pets they are a real part of our family. we are also looking after a friends hamster at the moment so 'tea time' really does take a while!

i have to go now, i wish i could stay a little longer but lunch needs getting x speak to you soon x


  1. I love your blog and have nominated you for the versatile blogger award!! :) Check it out! :)

  2. Oh and I'm giving the award to you too. Will hit publish in a few mins. :)
    You are doing such a great job! Don't worry about those raised eyebrows - just remember your inner wildwoman!
