Thursday, 19 August 2010

i know.. i know..

I have said it before and its still true - i find it hard to find time to blog. Today i was talking to R and it became clear to me i dont really make time to do anything! i mean i love my children but surely i should be able to do something for me? this is how i used to justify going to the breastfeeding workshop / clinic and supporting new and expectant mothers - i waas doing something i enjoyed but this is diffferent. i want to learn to crochet, greatly improve my knitting (after almost a year it is still very slow with mistakes ) and blog more. not asking for too much again am i? My previous post shows a couple of my creations of late and although they aint much i am suprisingly proud :) i am lucky to have so many talented mama's for friends and i would love to join in with the creatvity :)

1 comment:

  1. Finding time to blog is a biggie here too. But now I tell myself that I'm doing it for the children - creating lasting memories of our days. And I am strict with laptop use now too. Switch on, check emails, get some blogging (reading and writing) and then turn off. Much rather be doing something creative once the children are settled than flicking aimlessly through pages and forums and general non-important stuff.
    Hope you find your creative space soon.
