Saturday, 23 January 2010

Day with two meanings

Me and jack have not been well for the last 24hrs, sickness mainly with a bout of diarrhoea for poor Jack. Luckily Eleanor seems to have escaped, Adam too (lucky things). Laura, P an E have also not been well - *big hugs guys*

I hate seeing jack ill, as mothers we are used to being there for our children, helping them, guiding them, but when they are ill we are helpless, of course, bring them drinks, cuddle them and make toast all help but nothing you can do can instantly make them feel better or take their pain away.

We have spent most of the day in bed, we had a bath and I put some washing on but we haven’t done much more than that.

Shame really as it has overshadowed slightly the fact Eleanor is 6 months old today, its feels slightly odd. Jack was weaned at 5 1/2 months and Ele isn’t weaned at all yet and I am not concerned about this. We will try baby led weaning with her, I have offered her some brioche this morning but she wasn’t at all interested. I have been reading a lot around the subject of weaning and have decided it will happen when it happens, of course I will continue to breastfeed and therefore I know she will be getting what she needs.

It seems like we have always been a family of four in some ways yet in others the last 6 months have flown by and it seems only the other day I was in labour.

I'm looking forward to the next six ,it is always a shame when we look back on these milestones, all those times gone now, they can never be brought back, a time of sadness? Not really, more of a time for looking forward and enjoying the stages ahead.

Sj xx

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