Monday, 18 January 2010

Mother Awareness Week

co-insiding with the new look website, the editor of The Mother Magazine has requested (and rightly so) that the message of The Mother (TM) is spread far and wide. Not heard of it? check it out here - here, they also have a blog -here.

The Mother is an international, natural parenting magazine. Fertility awareness, conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, sacred birth, full term breastfeeding, natural immunity and attachment parenting

Over the past eight years, The Mother magazine has broken new ground in the developing holistic parent market: publishing cutting-edge articles written by passionate and experienced contributors, and read in over 40 countries worldwide.

Every aspect of natural parenting is explored, from conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, gentle childbirth, full term breastfeeding, natural immunity, attachment parenting and the first few years of childhood, through to education, parenting teenagers and parenting one's self.

My favourite things of  The Mother Magazine.

1) The sense of family - it uses subscribers pictures, prints letters, comminucates with us via blog, website and the actual magazine itself - it shows that we are not alone on this journey as parents, no matter the choices we make

2) The articles are honest and reliable, whether it be from subscribers or the editorial team, they are written from the heart, not biased toward a brand and they have no other motive other than to inform and share experiences.

3) All the articles are relevent to me, it is one of the few publications I read cover to cover and EVERYTHING in between, the articles also flow very well making it easy and enjoyable to read.

4) The advertisers are all in keeping with the Ethos of the magazine

5) It costs from as little as £2 a month (uk ,standing orders)

I hope everyone who reads this at least takes a look x what have you got to loose?

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